
Wanky Fanta comic

Original price was: £3.50.Current price is: £3.00.

A 28 page comic based in Rowdy Town.




A 28 page comic based in Rowdy Town. Unlike the previous two Rowdy Town comics, these are all self contained joke pages rather than the ‘day’ format. The comics are some of the best jokes I’ve written (imho) and I really loved making them, I basically only made a page if I knew the process would be joy. All the pages are coloured in a lovely pink palette and feature Rowdy Town stalwarts like Percy, Bryony and Brucie. It also features the first Party Cop and Shit B*tman strips in print.

There are three exclusive pages entitled ‘Badtime Stories,’ ‘Loud Poshos in Cafes’ and ‘Phew’ which I never intend to post online, so if you want to read them you’ll want this.

The comic is professionally printed on recycled paper in colour.

Content warning: Swear words, sex talk and one reference to bestiality (which I feel I should mention, but in all honestly it’s not half as bad as it sounds putting it as a warning).